The Clay Aiken Christmas Spectacular!
>>date: 10 April 2003
>>time: 3:37 p.m.


Keeping updated on Ashley (ceridwen's) antics is hella fun. She causes trouble everywhere she goes. She got banned from her online game and wrote a letter to the owner of the game and said:

"As for altering the icon, all Messy would have had to do is PM me or even publicly asked me to remove it and I would have very apoplectically."

Very apoplectically? Now, at first I thought maybe I wasn't sure of the definition because I thought that apoplectic meant relating to or causing a stroke. Being the enquiring bitch person that I am, I looked up the word. From good ol'"

Main Entry: ap�o�plec�tic
Pronunciation: "a-p&-'plek-tik
Function: adjective
Etymology: French or Late Latin; French apoplectique, from Late Latin apoplecticus, from Greek apoplEktikos, from apoplEssein
Date: 1611
1 : of, relating to, or causing stroke
2 : affected with, inclined to, or showing symptoms of stroke
3 : of a kind to cause or apparently cause stroke ; also : greatly agitated

- ap�o�plec�ti�cal�ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

::giggles:: This is too funny! Oh, and also the girl who claimed a few days ago that once she broke up with her boyfriend that she was going to 'go lesbian' because she really wasn't attracted to men and loves boobies? Yeah, she's also madly in love with 2 people both men. The girl who wasn't attracted physically to men just went on and on about how physically attracted she was to him.


NEVER will I let this go! NEVER! LOL!

previously on bunny a go-go...
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