The Clay Aiken Christmas Spectacular!
>>date: 03 July 2003
>>time: 1:54 a.m.


OK. So. Poem time. I wanted to write something about beginnings and endings and growing older and how things always look different once you've passed a certain point, but in the end it doesn't really matter because at least you're alive. Does that make sense? No? Whatever. Anyway, I'm always WAY too chickenshit to actually put poems on LJ because I don't want a bunch of assholes telling me that I'm a shitty poet, I already know that, thank you very much. So I torture you, the few that I've entrusted with my very partisan password.

The Ellipsis After 20

It was all so simple
Life past two decades
And my face pressed against the glass
Fists making footprints, finger baby toes
Pink balloons and freshly sprung springs.

Then came the drinking
In awkward social settings
Nothing cosmopolitan nothing like yum
Nothing like I thought it should've been
He was dull, she was boring, I was tired.

Second place finish
In the year for eyeglasses
Streakless, spotless but complicated
And then life was a ping pong ball hit
In the dark, under the covers and in the closet.

The year of your Lord
Nineteen-Ninety Duh
When I stopped moving because you stopped moving
But I had enough chips
To walk away with Vegas.

Suddenly Time was relevant
And I wonder how soon is now?
Too late, cupcake, it's over and done
But maybe I had all the aces
And none of them green or cynical.

So things were rather dim
Groggy but determined
Like a domino trail leading down stairs
Some things are inevitible, necessary and unknown
Soon, at the top, Sisyphus loses his hold.

Life almost to three decades
Still shockingly simple
Only now They draw hearts on My glass
And react with toothy grins to flower buds and baby fat
While I wait for my turn to join the passing parade.

3 July 2003


I'm not fond of 4. I think I might rewrite it. We'll see. It may grow on me. ::shrugs::

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