The Clay Aiken Christmas Spectacular!
>>date: 18 August 2003
>>time: 7:16 p.m.


I ate so much that my stomach hurts. 2 veggie burgers with hummus and salsa on top and about 10 (yes! 10!!) tater tots. Food = bliss. I think that the reason I might be so moody lately is because of my diet. But my blue jeans are looser and my stomach is smaller, so a binge today. It's like crack, isn't it? Food.

Anyway, we went to the grocery store. I bought more hair styling gel and this girl and her boyfriend (I'm guessing) were behind us. The girl says, really loudly, "See her hair? That's how I want mine. That's cool. And I like her fingernails too." Isn't that bizarre? Right next to me she just says that! And her boyfriend goes, "Yeah, well, when I get my car fixed we'll ride out to Hot Topic and get black hair dye."

WTF? They don't know that you can buy black hair dye anywhere even in the grocery store? Duh.

I've got a headache from my allergies and I'm getting my lip pierced tomorrow, or at least that's the plan. I want my sister to go with me because I'll feel like a dork going alone. But she won't because she's mad that she can't get hers done because her boss won't let her. Granny said she'd ride me up to Tattoo Charlie's and I really appreciate that but I'm not so sure that going in with my 68 year old granny is will be cool. As a matter of fact I'm fairly certain that will suck. But, whatever. We'll see. Maybe I can bribe my sister with $20 or something.

Wouldn't it be great to have a family member that honestly cared about you? Yeah.


previously on bunny a go-go...
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